Root Family

Root Family

Mar 10, 2010

San Rafael Swell Day 2: Black Dragon Canyon, Goblin Valley, and Little Wild Horse Canyon March 2010

Day 2 was our introduction to Ramada Limited's "Continental breakfast", which left us wanting for more. We met up with our friends James, his lady-friend Amber, and the Beatty family, ate what we could tolerate of our breakfast, then headed immediately for Black Dragon Canyon. The Beatty's had never been to the Swell before so we opted to give them the initation of quick and easy places to see for your first time.  While at Black Dragon Canyon I encouraged them to all hike up above to see the cave located at the top of the rock fall.

Alene, Bailey, and Beatty Family hiking in the canyon

10.06.10 Black Dragon Canyon

Bailey and her new boots (they didn't stay on very long)

10.06.10 Black Dragon Canyon

Up at the pictograph panel

10.06.10 Black Dragon Canyon

Hanging out with Bailey while mommy explored the cave (bailey wasn't too happy about that)

10.06.10 Black Dragon Canyon

Bailey back with her mommy

10.06.10 Black Dragon Canyon

We then headed down to Goblin Valley to do some hiking. Of course Bailey dozed off pretty quickly

10.06.10 Goblin Valley

Within a few minutes of arriving the daredevil Matt tried to impress his son by jumping off a rock and did something bad to his calf, forcing him to become the walking wounded

10.06.10 Goblin Valley


10.06.10 Goblin Valley

A dead Goblin

10.06.10 Goblin Valley

Caiden at one of the small Goblin caves

10.06.10 Goblin Valley

Family picture

10.06.10 Goblin Valley

Alene's crane

10.06.10 Goblin Valley

We then headed off to Little Wild Horse canyon, but forgot our camera, so I'll defer to the Beatty's and James for their photos soon. The canyon was nice to hike in (hardly any snow, as opposed to the snow that Dennis Udink experienced a couple of weeks before) and we turned around in the 2nd set of narrows where the shallow pools exist. Passable by adults, but hard for kids.

After that we headed to our favorite campsite in North Temple wash, had a campfire and ate dinner. When we left, we said goodbye to the Beatty's as they had to be somewhere early sunday morning. We headed back to the wonderful Ramada Limited.

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