On our way up, we took a scenic route through Huntington Canyon and did a short hike up the Left Fork of Huntington Canyon, which was amazing. This is actually a through hike into the upper joes valley area, but we only did about a mile up and back (Bailey was not going to sit in the backpack).
Some sheep grazing along the highway

Hiking up the canyon

Huntington Creek

Cool little dam

A cool little campsite along the creek

Bailey worked on her "pretty face"

Hiking back

Bailey hiking
After hiking, we got back in the truck and drove to Joe's Valley reservoir via Orangevale. As soon as we set up the tent, Bailey was so excited and laid in the sleeping bag

We went over to the lake and busted out the raft to float around the lake a bit.

The dogs started to whine as we drifted to shore. Then Dexter just started swimming out to us

Debra soon followed

They looked so cute. They swam right out to the raft, expecting us to pull them on. It was so amazing to see how they naturally know how to swim

I built up some nerves to jump into the lake from the higher ledge
We went back to camp, had some dinner, then walked down to the lake to try to catch a fish (no luck)

The next day we went back to the lake to swim and raft as we waited for our friends James and Amber to show up.

James and Amber showed up and we did some more swimming and jumping that evening and through Sunday morning

Alene finally did the big jump. Listen to Bailey egging her on.
Another one of my jumps
It was a great trip and we had a great time. Can't wait to go back to this place.